"The Smart Machine Age will usher in an era where the smartest humans are not those that have the deepest knowledge" --- Edward Hess & Katherine Ludwig, Humility is the New Smart (2017)
With the dawn of the Smart Machine Age, humans need a new playbook to thrive. That playbook is laid out in detail by Edward Hess and Katherine Ludwig in Humility is the New Smart. In order to reach “New Smart” you need to:
(1) Quiet your ego
(2) Manage yourself (emotions & thinking)
(3) Reflectively listen
(4) Emotionally connect & relate to others (otherness).
Old Smart vs. New Smart

Old Cultural Ways vs. New Cultural Ways

Visual Summary of Key Findings from Book

Downloadable Raw Notes
Brian Nwokedi’s Book Review on Goodreads
Interview with Ed Hess on the Innovation Show with Aidan McCullen